We celebrate the full cycle of the Jewish year with High Holy Day services, outdoor meals at Sukkot, Chanukah latke dinners, noisy get-togethers on Purim, Passover and Tu B'Shevat community seders, and more! We also celebrate the cycles of our members’ lives – bris and baby-namings, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings and commitment ceremonies, conversions and confirmations. And of course, we come together and provide support as a community in times of illness or death of members or their families.

We welcome guests and visitors to our services. To protect your safety and security, we require all non-members to pre-register before attending any service: complete this form. Shabbat services are also accessible on livestream; join our mailing list for the link.


Our Shabbat services (minyanim)

Friday Evening Services, 7:30 p.m.

On Erev Shabbat, we hold a Reform/Liberal service, including a d’var Torah, or sermon, and lots of music.

First Friday of the Month: TGI Shabbat! Services Early at 6:00 pm + Catered Dinner at 7:00 pm

Join us for a spirit-filled Shabbat service at an earlier hour followed by a communal catered dinner and guided discussion in small groups. Children are welcome and will be encouraged to participate in services and songs; separate childcare with activities and food will also be available.

Saturday Morning Services, 10:00 a.m.

Members of our lay-led Conservative/traditional egalitarian minyan meet in our sanctuary to daven (prayer), leyn (chant), and deliver Divrei Torah every Shabbat. The sign-up sheet to participate in services can be accessed here. If you have any questions, please contact the minyan’s coordinator, Judith Rose.

Jewish Renewal, Once Monthly

Once a month, our lay-led minyan comes together for prayer, song, teaching, meditation, and Torah rooted in tradition but meant for the way we live now. Beginner-friendly! For more information, contact Diane David.

Shabbat Mincha, Once Monthly

All are welcome to gather once a month for a spirited traditional Mincha (afternoon) service followed by a Seudah Shlishit and Torah study. For more information, please contact the office and ask for Jenny McComas or Bruce Solomon.

Tot Shabbat, Once Monthly

Children and parents are invited to the library to celebrate Shabbat together with music, dance, and a story. For more information, email Interim Education Director Devon Nelson.

more opportunities to pray

Weekday Minyan, Once Monthly

Join us for the distinctive experience of gathering early in the morning for prayer followed by a pitch-in breakfast before work and the other tasks of our days. For more information, please contact the office and ask for Jenny McComas.

Learners’ Minyan, Once Monthly

At each meeting, we will daven (pray) the service and discuss a topic related to Jewish prayer, liturgy, or spiritual practice. All are welcome, regardless of your level of knowledge of Jewish prayer. For more information, please contact the office and ask for Jenny McComas.

For more information about dates and times, please log in to our calendar with your member password or contact the office.