Chevra Kadisha
(Burial Society)
When we are born, a doctor, midwife, or spouse usually helps the child's entrance into this world.
When this child leaves this world —hopefully as a well-aged adult — we as members of the Chevra Kadisha support both physically and spiritually the exit of the person from this world in a process which includes Tahara. Tahara is the ritual washing and dressing of the body of the deceased (met). This process includes laying the met in the casket with a handful of soil from Israel. The body is dressed in linen or cotton, with his/her tallit if that is requested. Below is a partial description of the Tahara from the Chevra Kadisha guide book.
The ritual of Tahara prepares the met (deceased), body and soul, for the hereafter. The body is prepared to be returned to the Earth, clean and whole…. The soul is introduced into the Presence of God with prayers for forgiveness and eternal life.
Please feel free to contact Jordan Shifriss chairman of the Chevra Kadisha Committee.
Created in 1971, the Beth Shalom cemetery at Valhalla Memory Gardens fulfills a key communal mitzvah for our members. Each year, just before Rosh Hashana, we have a special day of cleaning the gravesites and saying Kaddish for those buried at our cemetery. Questions about the purchase of gravesites and/or maintenance of the cemetery can be answered by our cemetery chair. Please feel free to contact Judith Rose.